"Living, teaching, studying, and working abroad taught me that there is a global perception of Blackness and Black Americanness. I learned how to negotiate the highs and lows of global racial perception in my mid-twenties. I am not sure the words on this page could describe the stages of sadness, confusion, madness, loneliness, and eventually love for myself and my history that I went through traveling and living abroad." - J. Rogers
Interviews & Articles
A Conversation with Juhanna Rogers of “The Great 8”
Penn, State Altoona to host Shattering by Juhanna Rogers
“Leadership is all about Learning & Bringing people together - Dr. Juhanna Rogers
Meet the Artist - Dr. Juhanna Rogers
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work: 8 Black Women Get PhDs Together!
A 'Place' to connect: New theater group to perform piece in Auburn